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Isn’t It About Time You Made Your Book a Reality?

In Writing Mastery Mentorship, I help aspiring authors write and launch the book they’ve been dreaming of.

Here’s what you’ll achieve…

  • A blueprint for conquering any genre, fiction or nonfiction.
  • A consistent, productive daily writing routine you feel great about.
  • A clear, practical plan for how to publish and promote your book.
  • The skills you need to take your manuscript from passable to dazzling.
  • The skills and resources to power through any roadblocks.
  • The confidence to see your project through from rough early notes to polished manuscript.

I want to take YEARS off your learning curve!

Hello! I’m John David Mann,

I’ve written and published over 40 books, both fiction and nonfiction, from thrillers and parables to memoirs and business books. My books have sold over 3 million copies in 38 languages and won multiple awards, including two Axiom awards, a Nautilus award, a Living Now Evergreen Medal for “positive global impact,” and a Barry nomination. Nine of my titles have been New York Times or national bestsellers.
But here’s the thing: I never went to college. I have no degrees. As a writer, I’m mostly self-taught. I didn’t start out a New York Times bestselling author. I became one over decades of learning the hard way, through trial and error. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, suffered setbacks and heartaches.
I did all that so you don’t have to.
In this program, I’ll cut years off your learning curve.
I started Writing Mastery Mentorship for one simple reason: I have this fundamental belief that the world needs your book. Everyone’s life experience is different, so everyone’s perspective is unique. Nobody can write what you write. Nobody.
But simply getting your book written and pushed through the publishing pipeline is not enough. Because I’ve seen too many books start out with fantastic ideas, but arrive at the marketplace without being finished to anywhere near their full potential. And here’s the saddest part: Most of those books sink without a ripple. It’s as if they never even existed.
That’s a tragedy — and I don’t want it to happen to you.
To have maximum impact, to make its true mark on the world, your book needs to be as powerful, as authentic, as masterful as it can possibly be.
That’s why I created Writing Mastery Mentorship.
Here’s how this works:
Take a moment to complete the brief, no-obligation form below. I will personally review your application and evaluate whether Writing Mastery Mentorship is a good fit for you. 
If the answer is YES, then I'll email you all the details — including immediate access to a 60-minute training video that will give you a detailed breakdown of my full program! 

Apply now to get enrollment details & instant training access


What my clients are saying...

“The process of writing and publishing a book I feel genuinely proud of has been absolutely incredible. John’s program has given me the tools I needed to sharpen my craft to a razor’s edge. In my first year with the program I completed two parables and won three book awards — and now I’m at work on my first novel!”

Jeff C. West
Sales and leadership trainer

"Before joining Writing Mastery Mentorship I would write and write, but my story was going nowhere. I had a billion loose ends that I didn’t know how to tie up. Now, thanks to all the information and strategies John has shared about the outlining and drafting process, all those pieces are coming together."

Erin Moore
English professor

"I’ve wanted to write novels since I was 6 years old, but I kept running into brick walls with every story idea I worked on. After working with John, my first full-length novel is finished and in a literary agent’s hands — and I’m enjoying the actual process of writing every day far more than I ever have before."

Zossima Granger
First-time novelist

“Before joining Writing Mastery Mentorship I experienced long, parched stretches with no creative juices flowing – the book just wasn’t growing. Now that has completely shifted and my book has sprung to life!”

Kathi Laughman
Executive coach and business strategist

"One of the best things about this program is that I feel totally supported. Anytime I have any questions about anything at all, I know I can get the answers I need."

Russell Mariani
Health educator and public speaker

"Working with John catapulted my writing to the next level  — and when I submitted my novel to a nationwide contest, it placed second in the fantasy/sci-fi category!"

Ruth Anderson
Career development coach

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